Friday, December 28, 2018

Each and Every ONE of Us Is of Infinite Worth to Our Heavenly Parents

           Since she was a small girl, Sister Jean B. Bingham — now the Relief Society general president — has loved to watch the night sky.

“If you look up into the sky on a clear night, you can see glowing planets and twinkling stars,” she told students at Brigham Young University-Idaho during a campus devotional on Nov. 27. “On some nights, you will see the moon, depending on whether there’s clouds or not, sometimes you may see a meteor or shooting star scooting across the sky.”

From the darkest parts of the earth, the naked human eye is able to see about 5,000 stars, but from a brightly lit city street, only around 100 stars are visible, Sister Bingham said. Depending on lighting and location, a person may see a few stars or “an incredible array of stars dusting the velvet expanse that is so numerous it boggles the mind.”

Using some of the world’s most powerful instruments to calculate, astronomers in Australia concluded there are at least 70 sextillion stars in the entire visible universe.

“Does knowing that make you feel small?” Sister Bingham asked. “Contemplating that incredible number fills me with a humble yet exhilarating realization that, among all that vastness, our Father in Heaven knows not only where I am but who I am and what I am thinking and doing and struggling with. And He knows everything about you, and loves you more than you can even comprehend.”

That knowledge helps individuals know that they are valued and essential in God’s plan of happiness.

“Among all those millions and billions and quadrillions of stars, no two are exactly alike,” she said. “They differ in brightness and color, in size and location, in age and mass — and they are all important in God’s design.”

Recognizing that sometimes individuals may feel they don’t fit in or they don’t have much to contribute, Sister Bingham reminded listeners that from a Heavenly Parents’ perfect perspective, each one of Their children has been created for a divine purpose, has infinite worth and has a vital work to accomplish in life.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Jesus is Holding on to Us

Elder Jeffrey R Holland
"I hear many who struggle with this issue: 'I am just not good enough.' 'I fall so far short.' 'I will never measure up.' I hear this from teenagers. I hear it from missionaries. I hear it from new converts. I hear it from lifelong members.
"I believe in God’s perfection, and I know we are His spiritual sons and daughters with divine potential to become as He is. I also know that as children of God we should not demean and vilify ourselves, as if beating up on ourselves is somehow going to make us the person God wants us to become in eternity. No! 
"With a willingness to repent and a desire for increased righteousness in our hearts, I would hope we could pursue personal improvement in a way that doesn’t include getting ulcers or bulimia, feeling depressed, or demolishing our self-esteem. That is not what the Lord wants for children or anyone else who honestly sings, 'I’m trying to be like Jesus.'
"I testify of that very Jesus, who Himself continued 'from grace to grace' until He received in His immortality a perfect fulness of celestial glory. I testify that in this and every hour He is, with nail-scarred hands, extending to us that same grace, holding on to us and encouraging us until we are safely home in the embrace of Heavenly Parents."

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Sunday, December 2, 2018