Sunday, July 29, 2018
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Embrace the Plan by Kim B Clark
Embrace the Plan
Kim B Clark
of Seventy 20 Mar 2018 Devotional
Brothers and sisters, it is a joy to be with
you today. I love you, and I love this university. I remember what it felt like
to be a student. I remember the stress of papers and exams and the worry and
the uncertainty about the future. But I also remember the sense of
possibilities and opportunities ahead and the feelings of hope and faith in the
Now, looking back on those years, I can see
that the Lord Jesus Christ was way ahead of me, working in my life and
preparing the way before me. I want each of you to know that He is working in
your life right now and preparing the way before you. It is all part of
Heavenly Father’s plan. That is what I want to talk about today. My message is
a simple invitation: embrace the plan!
I will begin with a story that I hope will
help you begin to understand what that invitation means.
Almost twenty years ago I was diagnosed with
chronic kidney disease. My kidney doctor told me that in ten to twelve years I
would need to go on dialysis or have a transplant.
In my mind I said to myself, “No, I won’t. I
will be disciplined and diligent, and the Lord will bless me. I will die of
something else.”
That was my plan. And for several years it
worked pretty well. But then my kidneys began to fail. My doctor told me I
needed to prepare for a transplant.
With my plan not working, I went to my
Heavenly Father in prayer and asked Him for His help and His guidance. I
received a very clear impression: my plan was not His plan. His plan had a
transplant in it, and I needed to get ready.
So I sent out a simple message to my
children and my siblings: “I need a transplant. If any of you would like to
give me a kidney, please call this number.”
August 2, 2011, my son Andrew gave me a kidney.
I prepared for the operation, I felt impressed to embrace Heavenly Father’s
plan—every bit of it. Here is an example: Every night that I was in the
hospital, the nurses woke me several times to give me a shot, check my fluids
and my vital signs, weigh me, or give me medicine. Every time they woke me up,
I said to them, “I am so happy to see you.” Those nurses helped give me new
life. That was the plan, and I embraced it.
dear brothers and sisters, with all my heart I invite you to follow Jesus
Christ and embrace Heavenly Father’s great plan of salvation. I use the word embrace
because I want you to accept the plan gladly and eagerly—to adopt it into your
life fully and completely.1 I want you to put your arms around the
plan and draw it in close to your heart with love and gratitude for your Heavenly
Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
love this description of the Father’s great plan in “The Family: A Proclamation
to the World”:
the premortal realm, spirit sons and daughters knew and worshipped God as their
Eternal Father and accepted His plan by which His children could obtain a
physical body and gain earthly experience to progress toward perfection and
ultimately realize their divine destiny as heirs of eternal life.2
the very heart of the Father’s plan is the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Our
Father knew that mortality would be hard and blessed, dangerous and peaceful,
and full of adversity and glorious opportunities. He knew we would all sin and
all face the challenges of mortal life. So He sent His Son to be our Savior and
Redeemer. As Alma taught:
will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death
. . . ; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his
bowels may be filled with mercy . . . , that he may know
. . . how to succor his people. . . .
. . .
The Son of God . . . [will] take upon him the sins of his
people, that he might blot out their transgressions according to the power of
his deliverance.3
Atonement of Jesus Christ makes the Father’s plan of happiness a reality. Not
only will all be resurrected, but those who come unto Christ, repent of their
sins, and make and keep sacred covenants with Him may receive peace in this
life and the great gift of exaltation and eternal life with their families in
the world to come.4 Indeed, the redeeming power of Jesus Christ
family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and
covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return
to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally.5
is the Father’s great plan of happiness. All of you, no matter what your
situation is, may come unto Christ and become the seed of Abraham—the covenant
people of the Lord—with a special place in the Father’s plan.6 Each
of you has been given a combination of personality, gifts and talents,
experiences, and capacities that is unique in God’s universe.7 There
is no one else like you, and the Lord has a special place in His plan for you.8
you act with faith in Jesus Christ to embrace the plan, He will direct your
path, open doors for you, put you where He wants you, and give you
opportunities to serve Him in the greatest of all the causes on the earth—the
cause of Christ.9 You will be the means of bringing hope, joy,
happiness, and salvation to your family, to your friends and loved ones, and to
literally thousands of God’s children.10
the plan is not something we do once; we embrace the great plan of salvation
and our role in it by the choices we make all through our lives. Every
wonderful opportunity in the Father’s plan comes to us in a “crucible of
choice.” Every crucible contains two things: the opportunities created by
Heavenly Father’s plan and opposition. No matter what the opportunity may be,
there is always opposition.
is the combination of opportunity and opposition that creates the need for
choice. Which path will you walk? Whose voice will you hear? Whose plan will
you follow? The crucible of choice is a test of your faith in Jesus Christ.
will focus on three crucibles of choice that are essential to eternal life and
that are particularly important for you at this wonderful time in your lives.
They are (1) deep learning, (2) serving the Lord, and (3) creating an eternal
family. My purpose is to help you see what you must do to embrace the plan and
to receive the marvelous blessings Heavenly Father has prepared for you.
Crucible 1: Deep Learning
the crucible of choice that governs learning, there are many wonderful
opportunities created by Heavenly Father’s plan. Indeed, as Elder David A.
Bednar has taught, “The overarching purpose of Heavenly Father’s great plan of
happiness is to provide His spirit children with opportunities to learn.”11
learning that fulfills the “overarching purpose of Heavenly Father’s great
plan” is “deep learning: learning of the whole soul—the mind, the heart,
the body, and the immortal spirit.”12 Learning is deep when it
increases our power to do three things: (1) to know and understand; (2) to take
effective, righteous action; and (3) to become more like our Heavenly Father.13
That is Heavenly Father’s plan.
are the spirit children of Heavenly Father. Every single one of us has the
potential to become like Him. We all have different gifts and talents and we
all have different challenges in mortality, but our Father has blessed us with
the opportunity and the capacity to learn deeply through His eternal plan.
power of deep learning has great value in your family, in your service in the
Church, in your work, and in your community. It also brings great joy. Think of
a time when you figured out how to solve an important problem or challenge you
faced. It probably felt like a light went on in your mind and in your heart.
The scriptures use words such as enlarge, enlighten, delicious, quicken,
and joyous to describe what happens when we learn deeply.14
learning applies to all truth, in any field of knowledge. However, the most
important knowledge we need to acquire is a knowledge of the things of God.
Spiritual knowledge, therefore, must have the first place in our hearts and in
our priorities.15
spiritual knowledge a priority means making time every day for personal prayer
and study of the Book of Mormon and other scriptures. It means taking religion
classes. It means treasuring up what we learn by writing it down. And it means
worshipping in the temple often. Putting spiritual knowledge first ensures that
we will rely on the Lord and the Holy Spirit in all our learning. We will see
everything we study in the light of the Father’s plan.
have spent my life trying to deepen my learning and trying to help others learn
deeply too. That lifetime of experience has taught me that deep learning must
be done in the Lord’s way—by systematic study and by teaching one another,
attended by the grace of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Ghost, who
reveals truth, sanctifies us, and changes our very natures.16
the plan and seizing the opportunities for deep learning means working
diligently with faith in Jesus Christ. It means humbling ourselves before the
Lord and seeking the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
against those wonderful attributes of diligence, humility, and righteousness
stands the opposition: laziness, pride, sin, and the distractions of the world.
these, I believe the most dangerous is pride.17 In fact, deep
learning creates the potential for pride to work its way into your heart. Deep
learning will increase your value in the world. Recognition, rewards, good
jobs, and admission to graduate schools may come your way. Along with all of
this good will come the temptations of pride.
want to share with you an experience from my first semester in graduate school.
I took a class from a very prominent professor. I worked hard in that class all
semester, prepared for the final exam, and prayed to Heavenly Father for His
help. The exam assignment was really simple but also really hard: we had to
read and critique two very complex research papers.
I read the first paper, something wonderful happened. In the analysis I did and
in the writing of my critique, I was blessed with insights and help beyond my
own. When I finished, I picked up the second paper and had exactly the same
experience. I have never forgotten that day.
good things come, it is easy to get prideful. In fact, if we do not resist
diligently with faith in the Savior’s power to change our hearts, it is easy to
get puffed up with pride. If we do, we stop learning deeply. I know that is
way to overcome pride—and every other form of opposition—and to make righteous
choices about deep learning is to humbly embrace the Father’s great plan of
redemption. Remember with gratitude who you really are, where you came from,
and what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for you. Always, always give the glory
to the Lord for all good things that happen in your life.18 He will
help you keep pride out of your heart and help keep your learning deep.
Crucible 2: Serving the Lord
The crucible of service to the Lord contains great
opportunities and blessings. There are many ways to serve, but serving with the
Lord Jesus Christ in His Church is very special. Just think how amazing it is
to do His work, in His name, with His power and authority, in His true and
living Church.
we choose to be yoked together with the Lord, He will work through us to bless
others.19 We act with faith in Jesus Christ in many callings and
assignments to help our brothers and sisters feel the love of the Lord and
change their lives through His redeeming power.
experiences also change us. We see our brothers and sisters as the Lord sees
them, and He helps us love them as He does.20 He increases our
capacity to love, to receive revelation, and to minister with His power in His
way. We draw closer to Him through our service, and He helps us become more
like Him.21
want to focus on one kind of service that is especially important for you in
this time of your lives and powerful in building the kingdom of God. The
service I have in mind is sharing the restored gospel of Jesus Christ with your
peers—with people ages eighteen to thirty—who are not yet members of the
Church. When people in this age group are converted unto the Lord and unite
with His Church,22 they are very likely to become lifelong, faithful
Latter-day Saints.
experience of a few young adults illustrates this principle. One individual,
whose name was Christa Cascarelli, was not a member of the Church when she met
David Tesky, a Latter-day Saint soldier serving in Germany. David introduced
Christa to the Church. She saw the Light of Christ in David, and she felt pure
happiness when he spoke of the things he believed. However, she was not ready
to meet with the missionaries.
long after Christa met David, she moved to a new city. She missed the light and
the happiness she had felt, and she started looking for the Church. One day
Christa learned of a new coworker, Karen Lee, who sounded like she was a
Latter-day Saint, which she was. Christa sought out Karen and found her reading
the Book of Mormon at lunch. Christa saw the same light in Karen that she had
seen in David. Karen invited Christa to meet with the missionaries.
companion and I taught Christa. It was an amazing experience. Christa’s
interactions with David and Karen had opened her heart to the Holy Ghost. She
was not only prepared but excited to hear the glorious good news of the
restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
was baptized in May 1970 and later met and fell in love with a member of the
branch named Gary Harrell. They were married in the Oakland Temple in 1971.
This all got started because David and Karen lived and loved the gospel and
shared what they loved with Christa.
the gospel and helping people to be baptized into the Lord’s Church is a
wonderful opportunity, but it comes with opposition, especially in the society
in which we live. The enemy of our souls is doing everything he can to keep us
from sharing the gospel. He tempts people to believe that they can be more
spiritual, even closer to the Lord, without the Church; he tempts them to
believe that they don’t need it. And he tempts us with fear of offending others
with our invitations, with fear of ridicule, and with fear of persecution
because of our beliefs.
the Lord in His Church, especially sharing His gospel, is a crucible of choice
and a test of faith in Jesus Christ. President Russell M. Nelson has posed
this question for you and for me: “To which cause [will you] commit [your]
effort and [your] good name?”23 Will it be the cause of Christ? Will
you always accept and magnify callings and assignments in the Lord’s Church?
Will you share His gospel with people you meet? Or will fear silence your voice?
and sisters, the answer to fear is to embrace the plan! Live and love the
gospel of Jesus Christ and His Church so that His light will be in your eyes
and in your life.24 You can learn to share and extend invitations in
a natural way, with love and kindness.25 You can make a covenant
with the Lord that you will speak for Him if He puts people in your path. I
promise you that the Lord will guide you to people He has prepared. Faith in
the Lord Jesus Christ and love for Him will banish fear from your heart, and
you will be an instrument in His hands to bring people to Him and His true and
living Church.
Crucible 3: Creating an Eternal Family
Heavenly Father’s glorious plan of happiness, it is our divine destiny—indeed,
our eternal identity and purpose—to have an eternal family, with a celestial
marriage to a beloved companion and children sealed to us forever.26
These are the tremendous opportunities that fill the crucible of choice about
the eternal family.
That is why it is so important for every one of us, no
matter what our situation, to do everything we can to encourage and promote
celestial marriage and eternal families—our own and others’—on both sides of
the veil. President Henry B. Eyring taught:
we do should have celestial marriage as its focus and purpose. That means we
must strive to be sealed to an eternal companion in the temple of God. We must
also encourage others to make and keep the covenants that bind a husband and
wife together, with their family, in this life and in the world to come.27
the marvelous blessings of an eternal family, it is not surprising that the
crucible of choice about the eternal family is filled with much opposition and
many temptations. Perhaps the most powerful forces opposing the creation of an
eternal family are fear and selfishness.
a society in which we see around us divorce, dysfunctional families, and much
heartache in marriages, it is understandable that some might look at the
prospect of building a strong marriage and an eternal family with some fear and
worry.28 However, there is also a new kind of fear we find among us
today: “the fear of missing out.”29
fear of missing out—or FOMO—explains why so many young people spend so much
time on social media. Based on survey data of young adults, it also seems to be
affecting decisions about marriage. The classic FOMO line associated with
marriage is “What if I find someone better?”
fears—whether fear of failure or fear of missing out—reflect a fundamental
misunderstanding of the nature of eternal marriage. We do not “find” the
perfect partner for an eternal marriage, nor are we on our own or trapped by
the past mistakes of others. The partnership of an eternal marriage is
something we build together with the Lord.30 It is faith in Jesus
Christ that will allow you to overcome these fears.
two faithful, committed Latter-day Saints love each other and marry in the
temple of the Lord, they make a covenant with each other and with Him.31
If they keep that covenant, repent, love, and serve each other, the Lord Jesus
Christ will sanctify their hearts; He will knit their hearts and souls together
and bind them to Him.32 Over time they will become one in Christ,
equally yoked and beautifully matched, with divine love and joy in their
marriage and their family.33 That is the plan, and it works. I am a
witness that it works.
brings me to selfishness. In order for the supernal blessings of an eternal
family to be yours, you must conquer selfishness.
and sisters, selfishness is not good. If you act selfishly, you are at grave
risk of making critical choices—such as whom to marry, when to marry, how many
children to have, how to lead your family, and how to treat your spouse—without
the guidance of your Heavenly Father.
you marry, selfishness can get in the way of you ever connecting with someone
to marry. It will make you unattractive, and it will interact with your fears
to cause you to avoid commitments.
you marry, selfishness will make you either unaware of your spouse’s needs or
unmotivated to try to meet them. It will lead to unhappiness and discouragement
in your spouse and in your children.
is easy to be selfish.34 Let me share with you a story from my
marriage. Since Sister Clark does not have a selfish bone in her body, this is
another story about me.
and I met here on this campus. I am so grateful to Heavenly Father that He
helped us find each other. We were married in June 1971.
a few months. One day I came home from school and turned on our tiny
black-and-white TV to catch the Red Sox game. I sat down and opened up a book I
needed to read. Soon Sue came home from work. We said hi to each other, and
then she went into the kitchen. Then I heard cupboard doors being slammed with
great force.
walked into the kitchen and asked her what was wrong.
looked at me and said, “Nothing.”
persisted, and then she taught me the lesson of a lifetime. I had acted
selfishly, and I did not even see it. I had been raised in a home where I had
always been given a list of chores to do. I had been taught how to iron, cook,
sweep, do dishes, and clean, but I thought Sue would just tell me what to do.
She helped me understand that she wanted our marriage to be a full partnership,
and she wanted me to step up and take some responsibility for our home. I
realized that sitting around watching the Red Sox in the afternoon must have
seemed pretty selfish to her. That was literally a life-changing moment.
brothers and sisters, I want to read you a poem that I wrote for Sue. I have
repented; in fact, I have been repenting for forty-seven years. When I first
met Sue, to give you some background, she was dressed in red. I apologize to
all the poets.
The Woman in Red
A poem for Sue at Christmas, 2017
A poem for Sue at Christmas, 2017
She stood before me dressed in red
And bid me come to dinner
Intrigued and drawn her way
I followed the woman in red
And bid me come to dinner
Intrigued and drawn her way
I followed the woman in red
Who is the woman in red?
I wondered all that day
Dinner, dishes, music,
And a moonlit walk
I wondered all that day
Dinner, dishes, music,
And a moonlit walk
Who is the woman in red?
Walking by her side I felt
An answer from heaven
This is her; she is the one
Walking by her side I felt
An answer from heaven
This is her; she is the one
Who is the woman in red?
She is a woman of courage
Setting all doubts and fear aside
She said yes, and so did I in God’s holy house
She is a woman of courage
Setting all doubts and fear aside
She said yes, and so did I in God’s holy house
Who is the woman in red?
She is deep, with depths of love, compassion,
Humility, joy, diligence, insight,
And spiritual power
She is deep, with depths of love, compassion,
Humility, joy, diligence, insight,
And spiritual power
Who is the woman in red?
She is a mother who has travailed
In the shadow of the valley of death
To bring seven children into the world
She is a mother who has travailed
In the shadow of the valley of death
To bring seven children into the world
Who is the woman in red?
She is a mother whose example of dedication,
Consecration, and pure love
Is in those children to their very core
She is a mother whose example of dedication,
Consecration, and pure love
Is in those children to their very core
Who is the woman in red?
She is the angel of mercy
Bringing light, love, strength,
And hope to those in need
She is the angel of mercy
Bringing light, love, strength,
And hope to those in need
Who is the woman in red?
She is my best friend
Who loves, corrects, lifts,
Inspires, and strengthens me
She is my best friend
Who loves, corrects, lifts,
Inspires, and strengthens me
And so, at this Christmastime
When we celebrate God’s gift
Of His Only Begotten Son
Our Savior and Redeemer
When we celebrate God’s gift
Of His Only Begotten Son
Our Savior and Redeemer
I honor and remember God’s gift to me
Love of my life, joy of my soul
My Sue, forever
The woman in red
Love of my life, joy of my soul
My Sue, forever
The woman in red
can tell I know from my own experience that the way to overcome fear and
selfishness and the way to the joy of an eternal marriage and family is to
embrace the plan. Embrace the great plan of happiness fully and completely and
seek to do the will of the Lord. Your path to an eternal family may be
distinctive in its experiences and in its timing.35 But no matter
what your circumstances are, your divine destiny is to be a wife or a husband,
a father or a mother, in an eternal family, sealed forever and exalted in glory
in the kingdom of God.36 I know that is true.
dear brothers and sisters, my invitation to embrace Heavenly Father’s plan is
an invitation to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ with faith in Him. I bear
witness that God our Father lives. Jesus is the Christ, our Savior and
Redeemer. He lives! The crucibles of choice about learning, service, and an
eternal family are real, but the Father’s plan is perfect and the Savior’s
power is complete. If you embrace the plan, the Lord will open the way before
you. His redeeming power will flow into your life, and He will wrap you in the
arms of His love, now and forever. You will learn deeply, you will serve
faithfully, and you will have an eternal family. I so testify, in the name of Jesus
Christ, amen.
Kim B. Clark,
commissioner of education and a General Authority Seventy of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, delivered this devotional
address on March
20, 2018.
1. Embrace
means “to clasp in the arms”; “cherish, love”; “to take up especially readily
or gladly”; “to take in or include as a part . . . of a more
inclusive whole” (, s.v. “embrace”).
2. “The
Family: A Proclamation to the World” (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints, 1995).
3. Alma 7:12–13.
4. See D&C 59:23;
see also 2 Nephi 2:26; 9:18; Alma 24:14; 42:14–15; Helaman 14:12–17;
Moroni 7:24.
5. “The Family: A
6. See Abraham
2:9–10; see also D&C 84:32–38; 132:30–32.
7. President Gordon
B. Hinckley taught, “Believe in yourself. Believe in your capacity to do great
. . . things. . . . You are a child of God, of infinite
capacity” (“Be Not Afraid, Only Believe,” BYU–Hawaii commencement address, 11 December
2004). See D&C 11:8; 18:10; 46:11; 76:24.
8. See D&C 11:8;
46:10–11. Elder Richard G. Scott said, “God has a specific plan for your
life. He will reveal parts of that plan to you as you look for it with faith
and consistent obedience” (“How
to Live Well Amid Increasing Evil,” Ensign, May 2004).
Ronald A. Rasband said: When we are righteous, willing, and able, when
we are striving to be worthy and qualified, we progress to places we never
imagined and become part of Heavenly Father’s “divine design.” Each of us has
divinity within us. . . . When our Father in Heaven said, “This is my
work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man”
[Moses 1:39], He was talking about all of His children—you in particular.
Divine Design,”
Ensign, November 2017]
that our personal plans are embedded in the Father’s great plan of salvation.
We cannot follow one unless we follow the other.
9. The Prophet Joseph
Smith said, “I am a lover of the cause of Christ” (“Letter from Joseph Smith to
William W. Phelps, 31 July 1832,” Hiram, Ohio, 3,;
see also Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [Salt Lake
City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2007], 352).
10. In our own way,
we are like Esther—a daughter of the exiled Jews—who became the queen of Persia
by the hand of the Lord. At a critical moment for her people, when they were
about to be destroyed, Esther’s cousin Mordecai reminded her that she was the
Lord’s plan to save His people. He said, “Who knoweth whether thou art come to
the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14). At the risk of her life,
Esther approached the king and saved her people. Esther embraced the Lord’s
plan for her (see Esther 2–7).
11. David A. Bednar, Increase
in Learning: Spiritual Patterns for Obtaining Your Own Answers (Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book, 2011), 1–2.
13. The pattern of
know, do, and become has been used widely as a framework for leadership
development and in discussions of the Lord’s plan for the spiritual development
of His children (see Thomas S. Monson, “To
Learn, to Do, to Be,”
Ensign, November 2008; and Dallin H. Oaks, “The
Challenge to Become,”
Ensign, November 2000). For an in-depth treatment of each of the
elements of this pattern, see the three-volume series by David A. Bednar: Increase
in Learning; Act in Doctrine: Spiritual Patterns for Turning from Self to Savior
(Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2012); and Power to Become: Spiritual
Patterns for Pressing Forward with a Steadfastness in Christ (Salt Lake
City: Deseret Book, 2014).
14. See Alma 32:28;
D&C 88:11; 1 Nephi 11:23.
15. The Prophet
Joseph Smith emphasized the primacy of spiritual knowledge in these words: A
man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge, for if he does not get
knowledge, he will be brought into captivity by some evil power in the other
world, as evil spirits will have more knowledge, and consequently more power
than many men who are on the earth. Hence it needs revelation to assist us, and
give us knowledge of the things of God. [HC 4:588; see also Teachings
of Presidents: Joseph Smith, 266]
16. The Lord’s way to
learn is described in D&C 88. See verses 63, 66, 78, 84, 116, 118.
17. President Ezra
Taft Benson taught: The proud depend upon the world to tell them whether
they have value or not. Their self-esteem is determined by where they are
judged to be on the ladders of worldly success. They feel worthwhile as
individuals if the numbers beneath them in achievement, talent, beauty, or
intellect are large enough. [“Beware
of Pride,”
Ensign, May 1989]
18. See D&C
88:67–88; Moses 1:10; John 7:18; see also Marlin K. Jensen, “An
Eye Single to the Glory of God,” Ensign, November 1989.
21. President Henry
B. Eyring taught: Eternal life is that kind of life which God our Eternal
Father lives. God has said that His purpose is “to bring to pass the
immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). . . .
Every priesthood
effort . . . is intended to help Heavenly Father’s children be
changed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ to become members of perfected
family units.
Ensign, May 2016]
22. Elder D. Todd
Christofferson makes this point: “The Book of Mormon expresses it best when it
says that the people ‘were converted unto the Lord, and were united
unto the church of Christ’ [3 Nephi 28:23; emphasis added]” (“Why
the Church,”
Ensign, November 2015).
24. President James
E. Faust said, “A sacred light comes to our eyes and countenances when we have
a personal bond with our loving Heavenly Father and His Son, our Savior and
Redeemer. With this bond our faces will mirror that ‘sublime assurance’ that He
lives” (“The
Light in Their Eyes,”
Ensign, November 2005; quoting Paul Harvey, news broadcast, 8 December
1967). See also Alma 5:14–15; 3 Nephi 18:24.
25. President M.
Russell Ballard taught: Fear will be replaced with faith and confidence when
members and the full-time missionaries kneel in prayer and ask the Lord to
bless them with missionary opportunities. Then, we must demonstrate our faith
and watch for opportunities to introduce the gospel of Jesus Christ to our
Heavenly Father’s children. . . . These opportunities will never
require a forced or a contrived response. They will flow as a natural result of
our love for our brothers and sisters. [“Put
Your Trust in the Lord,” Ensign, November 2013]
26. “The Family: A
Proclamation” states: The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man
and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth
within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who
honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most
likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.
27. Eyring, “Eternal
28. For a discussion
of these fears and how to overcome them, see Melissa Howell, “Confidence
to Marry,”
Ensign, February 2006.
29. For a discussion
of the fear of missing out, see Eric Barker, “FOMO: This Is the Best Way to
Overcome Fear of Missing Out,” Barking Up the Wrong Tree (blog),
5 June 2016,
30. President Russell
M. Nelson taught: “To qualify for eternal life, we must make an eternal and
everlasting covenant with our Heavenly Father. This means that a temple
marriage is not only between husband and wife; it embraces a partnership with
God” (“Celestial
Ensign, November 2008).
31. See Malachi
4:5–6; D&C 110:14–15.
See Mosiah 5:15; 18:21, 29; 1 Corinthians 11:11.
33. Elder David A.
Bednar taught: By divine design, men and women are intended to progress
together toward perfection and a fulness of glory. . . . The man and
the woman contribute differently but equally to a oneness and a unity that can
be achieved in no other way. [“Marriage
Is Essential to His Eternal Plan,” Ensign, June 2006]
34. The world
encourages selfishness. It tells us to make personal fulfillment our top
priority and to postpone marriage and children or to not marry at all. Consider
the following modern-day advice about marriage and its approval of selfishness:
You have problems with compromise. While it sounds
negative, there’s nothing wrong with it. But if you’re used to doing things
your way, and the thought of someone loading a dishwasher incorrectly sends
legitimate shivers down your spine, you probably realize that being part of a
married couple might just make you miserable. You have a set way of doing things,
and you’re more than thankful for a partner who understands—but if they try to
interrupt your schedule or tell you how “their way” is far superior, you’ll end
up being pretty resentful. [Karen Belz, “Eight
Signs You Aren’t Meant to Get Married, and Why That’s Completely Okay,” Bustle,
16 February 2016,]
35. See D&C
84:38. President Russell M. Nelson taught:
But what of the many
mature members of the Church who are not married? Through no failing of their
own, they deal with the trials of life alone. Be we all reminded that, in the
Lord’s own way and time, no blessings will be withheld from His faithful
Saints. The Lord will judge and reward each individual according to heartfelt
desire as well as deed. [“Celestial Marriage”]
36. President Henry
B. Eyring taught: Eternal life means to become like the Father and to live
in families in happiness and joy forever. . . .
family unit is fundamental not only to society and to the Church but also to
our hope for eternal life. We begin to practice in the family, the smaller
unit, what will spread to the Church and to the society in which we live in
this world, which will then be what we practice in families bound together
forever by covenants and by faithfulness. [“The Family,” Ensign,
February 1998]