Monday, May 28, 2018
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Savior Makes It Clear that in Some Situations We Have to Judge
There is sometimes a chance for a misunderstanding, especially among young people who may think we are not supposed to judge anything, that we are never to make a value assessment of any kind... the Savior makes it clear that in some situations we have to judge, we are under obligation to judge.
--Jeffrey R Holland
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Mother's Day 2018
wonderful young mother recently wrote to me: “How is it that a human being can
love a child so deeply that you willingly give up a major portion of your
freedom for it? How can mortal love be so strong that you voluntarily subject
yourself to responsibility, vulnerability, anxiety, and heartache and just keep
coming back for more of the same? What kind of mortal love can make you feel,
once you have a child, that your life is never, ever your own again? Maternal
love has to be divine. There is no other
explanation for it. What mothers do is an essential element of Christ’s work.
Knowing that should be enough to tell us the impact of such love will range
between unbearable and transcendent, over and over again, until with the safety
and salvation of the very last child on earth, we can [then] say with Jesus,
‘[Father!] I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.’” …..
To all
of our mothers everywhere, past, present, or future, I say, “Thank you. Thank
you for giving birth, for shaping souls, for forming character, and for
demonstrating the pure love of Christ.” To Mother Eve, to Sarah, Rebekah, and
Rachel, to Mary of Nazareth, and to a Mother in Heaven, I say, “Thank you for
your crucial role in fulfilling the purposes of eternity.” To all mothers in
every circumstance, including those who struggle—and all will—I say, “Be
peaceful. Believe in God and yourself. You are doing better than you think you
are. In fact, you are saviors on Mount Zion,13 and like the Master you follow, your love ‘never
faileth.’14 ” I can pay no higher tribute to anyone. In the name of
Jesus Christ, amen.
Jeffrey R Holland, Oct 2015
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Church Announces Upcoming Worldwide Youth Initiative
New Worldwide Initiative for Children and Youth Development
New approach to replace all existing activity programs for girls and boys, young women and young men beginning in January 2020
The children and youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints worldwide are precious to us. They represent our future, and ministering to their needs is a significant focus for the Church.
For years, Church leaders have been preparing a new initiative to teach and provide leadership and development opportunities to all children and youth, to support families, and to strengthen youth everywhere as they develop faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This new approach is intended to help all girls and boys, young women and young men discover their eternal identity, build character and resilience, develop life skills, and fulfill their divine roles as daughters and sons of God. The initiative is designed to allow local leaders, families, and even the young people themselves to customize their efforts, while providing service opportunities and activities, fostering healthy relationships, and supporting communities. Details will be shared at as the implementation date approaches.
To this end, effective on December 31, 2019, the Church will conclude its relationship as a chartered organization with all Scouting programs around the world. Until then, the intention of the Church is to remain a fully engaged partner in Scouting for boys and young men ages 8-13. We encourage all youth, families, and leaders to continue their active participation and financial support of Scouting until that date.
We honor Scouting organizations for their continued goal to develop character and instill values in youth. The lives of hundreds of thousands of young men, along with their families and communities, have been blessed by Scouting organizations worldwide.
New approach to replace all existing activity programs for girls and boys, young women and young men beginning in January 2020
The children and youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints worldwide are precious to us. They represent our future, and ministering to their needs is a significant focus for the Church.
For years, Church leaders have been preparing a new initiative to teach and provide leadership and development opportunities to all children and youth, to support families, and to strengthen youth everywhere as they develop faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This new approach is intended to help all girls and boys, young women and young men discover their eternal identity, build character and resilience, develop life skills, and fulfill their divine roles as daughters and sons of God. The initiative is designed to allow local leaders, families, and even the young people themselves to customize their efforts, while providing service opportunities and activities, fostering healthy relationships, and supporting communities. Details will be shared at as the implementation date approaches.
To this end, effective on December 31, 2019, the Church will conclude its relationship as a chartered organization with all Scouting programs around the world. Until then, the intention of the Church is to remain a fully engaged partner in Scouting for boys and young men ages 8-13. We encourage all youth, families, and leaders to continue their active participation and financial support of Scouting until that date.
We honor Scouting organizations for their continued goal to develop character and instill values in youth. The lives of hundreds of thousands of young men, along with their families and communities, have been blessed by Scouting organizations worldwide.