Monday, June 30, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Monday, June 23, 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
A Few Names for the Christ
The Great Mediator by Joseph Brickey |
from “Promised Messiah” by Bruce R McConkie
Lord is and has been known by many names. Some have been revealed in one
dispensation, some in another; some have been used in a single age, some in
many; and no doubt there are many names yet to be revealed. To collect and
analyze all those by which he is known to us would be a work of major
proportions and constitute a large volume by itself. Our purpose in this work
is to note the more important instances in which he was known both before and
after his coming by the same names, thus showing that the mortal Christ and the
promised Messiah are one and the same. In addition to the designations so far
noted, and to those not scheduled for more elaborate consideration later in
this work, we here note the following:
He is the Servant of the Lord.
came to do the will of his Father because his Father sent him. (3 Nephi
27:13-14.) He was the Servant, not the master, in his relationship with his
Father. “I am among you as he that serveth,” he said. (Luke 22:27.) Also: “The
Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things
soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.” (John 5:19.) Submissive,
willing, obedient, walking only in the path charted for him by his Father—such
was the course pursued by the Son.
natural it is to find Christ serving both the Father and his fellowmen, for so
it had been predicted. The introductory sentence of the longest single
Messianic prophecy in the Old Testament (and one of the greatest and most
comprehensive of them all) says: “Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he
shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high.” (Isaiah 52:13.) Another of
Isaiah’s long and plain predictions about the coming of the Messiah begins:
“Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I
have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.”
(Isaiah 42:1.) “I will bring forth my servant” (Zechariah 3:8) is the
scriptural promise, as also: “O Lord, truly I am thy servant: I am thy servant,
and the son of thine handmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds. I will offer to thee
the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the Lord. I will
pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people, in the courts
of the Lord’s house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem.” (Psalms 116:16-19.)
so, truly, did our Lord act during his mortal ministry! Truly, this is he of
whom it is written: “He shall stand and feed in the strength of the Lord, in
the majesty of the name of the Lord his God; …for now shall he be great unto
the ends of the earth.” (Michah 5:4.)
2. He is the Star out of Jacob.
him Balaam prophesied: “I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but
not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of
Israel….Out of Jacob shall come he that shall have dominion.” (Numbers
24:17-19.) “In figurative language, the spirit hosts in pre-existence are
referred to as the stars of heaven.” (Mormon
Doctrine, 2nd ed., pp. 765-66.) The morning stars who joined with
all the sons of God when the foundations of the earth were laid were the noble
and preeminent spirits. As the Star who came out of Jacob, Christ is thus the
most outstanding one of all the hosts of that unnumbered house. And so he
testified of himself: “I am…the bright and morning star.” (Revelation 22:16.)
He is the Beloved and Chosen One.
during, and after his mortal ministry he was and is known as the Beloved and
Chosen One, terms that carry a connotation of election and selection, of choosing
and foreordination. He is “My Beloved and Chosen from the beginning” (Moses
4:2); “My Chosen” (Moses 7:39); “My Beloved” (2 Nephi 31:15); “My Well Beloved”
(Helaman 5:47); “His most Beloved” (Mormon 5:14); and “My Beloved Son” (3 Nephi
11:7; Matthew 3:17; Joseph Smith-History 17).
He is the Anointed One.
number of Messianic passages speak of “the Lord, and…his anointed” (Psalms
2:2), signifying that the Chosen One was consecrated and set apart for the
ministry and mission that was his. Jesus applied these passages to himself by
quoting Isaiah’s prophecy, “The Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings
unto the meek” (Isaiah 61:1), and then saying: “This day is this scripture
fulfilled in your ears” (Luke 4:21). Peter made the same application by
speaking of “thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed” (Acts 4:27), and by
telling “how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power”
(Acts 10:38). In a revealed prayer, given in our day, we find this petition:
“Wilt thou turn away thy wrath when thou lookest upon the face of thine
Anointed.” (D&C 109:53.)
He is the Bridegroom.
Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the
Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called. For the Lord
hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and [as] a wife of
youth.” (Isaiah 54:5-6.) “And as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so
shall thy God rejoice over thee.” (Isaiah 62:5.) So spake the Eternal One to
his chosen Israel. Speaking of his Second Coming, this same Jesus called
himself the Bridegroom (Matthew 25:1-13), and the same terminology has been
preserved in latter-day revelation (D&C 133:10, 19).
makes quite a point of this concept. “The husband is the head of the wife,” he
says, “even as Christ is the head of the church.” That is, it is as though
Christ were married to the Church. “Therefore as the church is subject unto
Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands,
love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for
it.” Then because of the figurative nature of the language used, he says: “This
is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.” (Ephesians
He is the Hope of Israel.
and through and by and because of him we and all men have a hope of peace in
this life and eternal glory in the world to come. He is our Hope. Without him
we would have no hope of immortality, no hope of eternal life, no hope of the
continuation of the family unit, no hope of eternal progress, no hope of
exaltation, no hope of any good thing. All the hopes of all the righteous of
all the ages center in him. “O Lord, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee
shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth,
because they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living waters.” (Jeremiah
17:13; 14:8; 50:7.)
are saved by hope” (Romans 8:24), and the “Lord Jesus Christ…is our hope,” said
Paul (1 Timothy 1:1). The lives of the righteous are spent “Looking for that
blessed hope,” he also said, which hope is for “the glorious appearing of the
great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13.)
He is the Nazarene.
a prophecy no longer found in any scripture now had among us, it is written:
“He shall be called a Nazarene,” which was fulfilled, Matthew tells us, because
he dwelt “in a city called Nazareth.” (Matthew 2:23.) Subsequent developments
confirmed that he was to bear that designation during and after his mortal
probation. While he yet dwelt in mortality, he was called Jesus of Nazareth by
his disciples (John 1:45), and after he rose from the dead, he himself said to
Paul, “I am Jesus of Nazareth whom thou persecutes” (Acts 22:8). Peter spoke of
him similarly (Acts 2:22), although when he healed the lame man, he used the
more formal words, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk”
(Acts 3:6).
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Happy Father's Day 2014!
"The sacred title of 'father' is shared with the Almighty. In the Church men are called and released. Did you ever hear of a mortal father being released? ...Fatherhood is not a matter of station or wealth, it is a matter of desire, diligence, and determination to see one's family exalted in the celestial kingdom. If that prize is lost, nothing else really matters." -- Ezra Taft Benson
1890 Vincent Van Gogh "First Steps, after Millet" |
Friday, June 13, 2014
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Monday, June 2, 2014
Pay Attention!
honest and sincere truth-seeker may receive a flash of revelation from the Holy
Ghost telling him that Jesus is the Christ; that Joseph Smith is a prophet of
God; that the Lord has restored the fullness of his everlasting gospel in this
day; that the Book of Mormon is the mind and will and voice of God to the world
today. That blaze of newly encountered light will be as lightning in a night
storm; it will show the path leading to the pure light of day; but unless the
one receiving the light walks therein, unless he follows the path, he will
remain in darkness and lose the new knowledge he was once ready to receive. -- Bruce R McConkie "The Promised Messiah"